First of all understand the need of Interview!
Interview has become a common and popular word nowadays. Which almost every person has to face sometime, somewhere, in some form or the other. In this process you have to impress the interview panel and prove that you are the right candidate for that job and you have to be prepared for situations that you don’t even know about. Performing well in such a situation is one of the main criteria of success. Here are some important things to keep in mind to do well in the interview.
Be normal during the interview
No need to be too serious during the interview. Be normal in front of the interview panel and answer their questions with a light smile. If your answer turns out to be wrong, don’t panic. In this situation, take special care of your body language.
Keep Positive Attitude
While answering questions related to any subject, keep your positive thoughts by considering every aspect of it. Try to present yourself as a skilled manager in front of the interview panel.
Eye contact required
Maintain eye contact with all members of the interviewee and take special care of your body language. Do not answer any question with your head bowed, it shows your lack of confidence.
Understand the questions asked
Never answer the questions asked by the interview panel without hearing them thoroughly. If you can’t hear the question properly, don’t hesitate to ask again. Because the questions will be heard and understood clearly only then you will be able to impress the panel in a better way.

Give a balanced and logical answer
Instead of saying yes and no to the questions asked by the interview panel, explain it properly. Listen carefully to their questions and give logical answers. During this, maintain the right balance of mind and tongue as your role in front of the panel is that of a skilled manager. That’s why it is very important to have a balance of reasoning in your answers.
Give your answer with example
Explain with examples the answers to the questions asked by the panel as answering with examples shows your awareness in the relevant field.
Answer the questions honestly
If you do not know the answer to the question asked by the interview panel, then by showing honesty, tell us clearly that we do not know the answer to this question. One more thing and your answer should not make the interviewer feel that you have come up with memorizing the answers to the questions asked. The purpose of the interview is also to know how and what you think about a topic. So, be practical and give your answers according to the situation.
Avoid a few words
There are also some words that candidates use more without thinking. Like basically, you know, like, really etc. Do not use such words as such words make your answer weak and baseless.
In the end, one more thing after the interview, definitely say thanks to the interviewer.
“Best of luck for your Interview.”