What kind of Questions are asked in Interviews?

Often through the interview technique, the interviewer evaluates the personality traits and traits of a candidate and with this the interview is a face-to-face meeting. Which has a definite objective, through which the eligibility of a candidate is assessed. Along with this, the right or wrong of his candidature for a post is decided.

If you are going for an interview, then one thing must be kept in mind that honesty, ability to social behavior and intelligence are some of the basic qualities that an interviewer looks for in a candidate. Along with this the job of an interviewer is to find out all the best qualities in a candidate. For this the candidate must be comfortable in front of the interviewer. Only then can all these characteristics be assessed.

For this, the candidate is made comfortable with questions like informal subjects such as education, family background, interest etc. to make the interviewer comfortable first.

However, there is no ‘set pattern’ in the interview and interviewers can ask any type of questions they want. Nevertheless, we can divide these questions into four parts:

1. Leading Question

2. Open Ended Questions

3. Probing Questions

4. Close Ended Question


 In fact, the very beginning of the interview begins with the leading question, in which the candidate is made comfortable. Due to which the candidate becomes relaxed and the process of interview can go ahead. For this the interviewer is started with questions from the candidate about family background, their education, general awareness and hobbies, interests etc.


 Actually, through such questions, a candidate is asked to give as much information about himself as possible.


Often through probing questions, a candidate’s tendencies, tendencies, his ideology and moreover his personality traits are analyzed.


The level of such questions is based on knowledge of a few different facts and figures. After completing all these processes the interviewer creates an image of the candidate whether the candidate is right for the position or not.

While going for the interview one thing must be kept in mind that interviewers do not ask unnecessary questions, they have some purpose behind every question and you may have some questions in front of you such as


* What five adjectives describe you best?

* Why should I consider you for this position?

* What can you do for us that someone else can’t?

* If you could change one thing about your personality, what would it be?

* Tell me about the one thing in your life you’re proudest of.

* Tell me about the worst decision you ever made.

* How would you describe your ideal job?


* What extracurricular activities where you involved in?

* What activities did you enjoyed the most?

* What did you learn from your summer job?

* What courses did you get the worst grade? why? first

* Are you grades a good measure of your ability?

* How long have you been looking for a job?


* Tell me about your last position.

* Tell me about the last time you made a mistake.

* Tell me about the last time you made a good decision.

* What would you say are the major qualities this job demands?

* Of all the work you have done, where have you been most successful?


* Tell me about your best and worst Bosses.

* What do you do when you are having the trouble with a boss?

* If your boss Knew You Were interviewing, what would he say?

* Your supervisor unfairly criticized you, what would you do?

* What areas could your boss have done a better job?

* Describe the best manager you ever had. the worst.


* What do you want to be doing five years from now?

* What success means to you.

* What does failure means to you.

* What was your favorite job? why?

* Know about our company or organization?

* What would you change about your current job?

* Did you consider yourself successful?

* What do you consider your greatest strength?

* What things motivates you?


* Tell me about the last time pressure led you to a poor decision or mistake.

* How do you generally handle conflict?

* What kinds of decisions are most difficult for you?

* What is the most difficult work situation you have faced?

* What is the most frustrating things current position?


* Do when you are having trouble solving a problem?

* What do you do when things are slow?

* What aspects of your job would you consider the most critical?

*  How do you organize and plan for Major projects?

* How do you organize yourself for day to day activities?

* Tell me about a task you started but just could not seem to get finished.

By Satya

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